A few words on this blog

This is my collection of thought-provoking quotes of parts of Steiner's work that, for example, I believe many waldorf-pupil parents will
never get to see. I will try to make the context of the original text easily accessible where possible, so
 please check out the sources to form your own opinions.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Consequenses of potatoes

"The potato takes little care of lung and heart. It reaches the head, but only, as I said, the lower head, not the upper head. It does go into the lower head, where one thinks and exercises critical faculties. Therefore, you can see, in earlier times there were fewer journalists. There was no printing industry yet. Think of the amount of thought expended daily in this world in our time, just to bring the newspapers out! All that thinking, it is much too much, it is not at all necessary — and we have to thank the potato diet for that! Because a person who eats potatoes is constantly stimulated to think. He can't do anything but think. That's why his lungs and his heart become weak. Tuberculosis, lung tuberculosis, did not become widespread until the potato diet was introduced. And the weakest human beings are those living in regions where almost nothing else is grown but potatoes, where the people live on potatoes." Steiner, R. (1924; GA0354). Lecture II (link), in the series of lectures: Nutrition and Health.

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